
Faith Godwin Friday

Software Engineer

I’m a software engineer specializing in building (and occasionally designing) exceptional digital experiences. Currently, I’m looking for where to leverage my skills.

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About Me

My journey as a developer began when I first discovered my love for coding and decided to pursue it as a career. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work on a varous of projects, both personal and professional, and have consistently delivered high-quality results.

Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of individuals, and I am a strong team player who enjoys collaborating with others and bringing a positive attitude to every project.

The following are technical skills I'm proficiency in:

Javascript Typescript Reactjs Nextjs React Native Nodejs MySql MongoDB express


Where I’ve Worked

@Brightstar Intergal Technology solution: UBA , Lagos, Nigeria

Stack:Javascript, .Net, Boostrap, Tailwindcss,JQuery, etc ...

Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

➢ Worked on a team to designand develop the company's application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

➢ Created and maintained the website's style guide to ensure consistency in design and branding.

Brightstar Intergal Technology solution

Stack: React, Typescript, Redux,

July 2022 - Oct 2022

➢ Build from stretch the company's application using React, Redux, and TypeScript.

➢ Collaborated with the design team to incorporate visually appealing and user-friendly elements into the web application.

➢ Collaborated with the back-end development team to integrate the front-end with the website's APIs.

Intern, HNG, Zuri Chat, online

Stack: Reactjs, TypeScript, Tailwindcss, Django

2021- JULY 2021

➢ Worked on a team to create a aplication from stretch.

Featured Projects


Featured Project

LeishTon BoardGovTM provides vast amount of corporate/board governance data, accounting performance data and market performance data, which are used primarily for research and relationship capital management purposes.

Featured Project

Manage inventory, track expenses, monitor cash flow and more.All in one place.

Featured Project

Zukky Inc
Transfer and receive money from Nigeria to Canada and vice versa!

Featured Project

Manage inventory, track expenses, monitor cash flow and more.All in one place.

Featured Project

This a chat app I develop using reactjs and fireBase and a help from a friend of my that is a ui/ux developer it took me a week to develop but was able to learn more and enjoy the process.

Get In Touch

I’m currently looking for a new opportunity, my inbox is always open. Feel free to say hi!

Email Me

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